InkFlow Panel Flyout Menu
When enabled (preceded by a checkmark), all of the parameters shown on the InkFlow panel will be retained between launches of Illustrator. Otherwise, they are reset to their default values on each launch.
When enabled (preceded by a checkmark), additional controls for the pen size, roundness, and angle are displayed. These are only useful when using a tablet that supports pressure, tilt, and/or bearing as the input device.
The feathering, bleed, and splatter controls can be shown or hidden on the panel using this menu item. When the controls are hidden, the menu item will change to Show Ink Simulation Controls.
Each menu item sets the corresponding user-defined pen, using the current panel parameters. This is equivalent to Option/Alt-clicking
on the corresponding box (see InkFlow Panel Basic Mode: User-Defined Pens).
Resets all four of the standard (top-row) pens to the parameters that they shipped with (losing any customization that may have been done to them). To reset just one standard pen, Shift-click
on its icon.
Resets all four of the user-defined (second-row) pens to empty slots. To reset just one user-defined pen, Shift-click
on its icon.
Brings up the Preferences dialog (see InkFlow: Preferences).