Live Effect Explorer

Stylism’s Live Effect Explorer is a dialog which summarizes information about all of the live effects contained in the current selection. It is accessible by choosing the Live Effect Explorer... menu item, either in the main Effect menu or in the Stylism panel flyout menu.

Stylism Live Effect Explorer Dialog

Stylism Live Effect Explorer Dialog

1. Effects List

This list contains data about all the live effects present in the selection, listed alphabetically. For each live effect, the following information is contained, by column from left to right:

  • Effect Name: The name of the live effect. Names in italics indicate that at least one instance of the effect is hidden.

  • Types: The types of the effect, i.e. where it is placed in the appearance stack. “Pre” means before all strokes and fills, while “Post” means after all strokes and fills.

  • Count by Location/Objects: A count of each effect that is applied at the object level.

  • Count by Location/Groups: A count of each effect that is applied at the group level.

  • Count by Location/Layers: A count of each effect that is applied at the layer level.

One or more effects can be selected for use with the buttons at the bottom of the dialog by clicking on them in the list, with Shift pressed to select contiguously or Command/Ctrl pressed to select discontiguously, as normal.

2. Remove Button

Provisionally removes the highlighted effects from all selected objects. The effects are not permanently removed until the OK button is pressed to exit the dialog.

3. Locate Button

Highlights (using semi-transparent magenta rectangles) the artwork that contains the selected effect(s) while the mouse button is being pressed on it. If the Shift was being held down before clicking, the document will be scrolled to center the highlighted objects in the view.

Stylism Live Effect Explorer Locate Example

Stylism Live Effect Explorer Locate Example

4. Reset Button

Restores any effects were previously removed using the Remove button.

5. Hide Button

Hides the selected effects in the selected artwork. This is equivalent to clicking the visibility icon in the Appearance panel for each such visible effect.

6. Show Button

Shows the selected effects in the selected artwork. This is equivalent to clicking the visibility icon in the Appearance panel for each such hidden effect.