Width Gradient Panel Flyout Menu

Width Gradient Panel Flyout Menu

1. Hide Curve

The middle section of the panel (containing the adjustment value input boxes, Switch button, graph, and Reapply Gradient button) can be shown or hidden using this menu item to save space. When the controls are hidden, the menu item will change to Show Curve. 

2. Show Preview

When marked with a check mark (the default), paths will be annotated to show an approximation of their final widths when using the Width Gradient tool.

3. Display Marker Count

When marked with a check mark (the default), the informational line showing width marker counts will be shown at the bottom of the panel.

5. Reset Warning Dialogs

If one or more of Width Gradient’s warning dialogs have been suppressed using the Don’t show again checkbox, choosing this menu item will re-enable them.