Dynamic Corners are edited with the tool by dragging them to change their size. Corner may be dragged by their corner radius point, their endpoints, or their segment(s). If a corner is dragged such that its size becomes zero, it is removed when the mouse button is released. A corner may also be removed by doubleclicking its radius point. A corner which cannot be enlarged further, because one of its endpoints touches another corner or a path anchor point, will be indicated by a small circle around the endpoints which touch:

Dynamic Corners Maximized corners

Dynamic Corners Maximized corners

When multiple corners are edited simultaneously, they are changed in a proportional manner: if the corner under the cursor has its radius changed to 50% of its original value, then all of the selected corners will have their radii changed to 50% of their original values.

While dragging, you can use the same keypresses described under Creating New Corners.

If, before starting to drag-edit a corner, Option/Alt is held down, then the corner is moved. Essentially, this is equivalent to removing the corner, moving the path’s corner anchor point, and re-applying the corner — except changes to the corner are displayed in real-time. Depending on the final geometry of the path, the corner’s radius may be forced to a smaller value. Multiple corners may be moved simultaneously.

Dynamic Corners - Move dynamic corners

Dynamic Corners - Move dynamic corners

By default, the current radius of the corner under the cursor is displayed next to the cursor.