Gradiator Preferences

Gradiator Preferences

Gradiator Preferences

1. Adjust Angles in Relative Mode

When enabled, the angle input field is used to specify the change in angle of the selected gradients, as opposed to their actual value. This preference can be switched quickly without entering the Preferences dialog by Option/Alt-clicking on the Angle icon.

2. Adjust Linear Gradient Lengths from Center

When enabled, changing the length of a linear gradient will keep the center of the gradient (as opposed to the start of the gradient) in the same place.

Gradiator Preferences length from Center

Gradiator Preferences length from Center

3. Informational area

Shows a brief description of each preference control when the cursor is being hovered over it.

4. Help Button

Opens the help documentation in the Astute Manager. If this does not automatically appear, please ensure your Astute Manager is running first.