Ag Layer Comps Panel Flyout Menu

AG Layer Comps Panel Flyout Menu Callouts

AG Layer Comps Panel Flyout Menu Callouts

The AG Layer Comps panel flyout menu items are contextually sensitive and all items may not be available, depending on the current layer comp selection. Most of the menu items replicate the operations of the buttons on the bottom of the panel.

1. New Layer Comp...

Does the same as the Create New Layer Comp button.

2. Duplicate Layer Comp

Makes a copy of the selected layer comp and places it at the bottom of the list.

3. Edit Layer Comp...

Does the same as double-clicking on a layer comp (see above).

4. Delete Layer Comp

Does the same as the Delete Layer Comp button.

5. Move Layer Comp Up in List

Does the same as the Move Up button.

6. Move Layer Comp Down in List

Does the same as the Move Down button.

7. Update Layer Comp

Does the same as the Update Layer Comp button.

8. Apply Layer Comp

Does the same as clicking on the “Apply Layer Comp” icon in the layer comp list for the selected layer comp.

9. Next Layer Comp

Does the same as the Next Layer Comp button.

10. Previous Layer Comp

Does the same as the Previous Layer Comp button.

11. Restore Last Document State

Does the same as clicking on the “Apply Layer Comp” icon in the layer comp list next to “Last Document State”.

12. Unify Center and Zoom From Selected Comp

Copies the view center and zoom level data from the selected layer comp to all other layer comps.

13. Reset Warning Dialog

If the “Broken Layer Comp” warning dialog has been suppressed using the Don’t show again checkbox, re-enables the dialog.