When the tool is hovered close to or over an art object that can accept an AG Block Shadow effect (but does not currently have one), it will automatically preview the shadow as it would generally appear using the current panel parameters. The art does not need to be selected. The type of preview depends on the tool preference settings. The default preview is a full one, showing the solid fill of the shadow in the specified color (however, the preview will not show gradients or patterns when the object has such a fill and the preference Shadow Adopts Artwork Fill Color is enabled). Previews are based on the shape of the base artwork, and will not reflect any existing live effects that might change that shape.

AG Block Shadow Tool Preview

AG Block Shadow Tool Preview

By default, annotated text by the cursor will show the shadow’s length (abbreviated as “L:”), angle (as “A:”), and scale (as “S:”; omitted if it is set to the default 100%); if the shadow is a Vanishing Point type shadow, the vanishing point’s coordinates are annotated in place of its length and angle. These annotations can be temporarily hidden by holding down the Option/Alt key. Clicking will add the block shadow to the art object (always placing the live effect below all strokes and fills in the object’s appearance), or the shadow can be dragged first to adjust it in the same way an existing block shadow would be edited (see Editing Existing Block Shadows).

AG Block Shadow Tool Click Apply

AG Block Shadow Tool Click Apply

Because the AG Block Shadow tool creates previews of shadows for any artwork it is over, selected or not, care should be taken not to pass it inadvertently over unlocked artwork with high numbers of path segments, such as large blocks of text or objects with Phantasm Halftone or Stipple effects, because calculating the shadow for these objects can take some time. In addition to keeping such art on locked layers, the preference Auto Switch To Fast Preview can help (see AG Block Shadow: Preferences).