The AG Architect panel flyout menu items are contextually sensitive and all items may not be available, depending on the current selection.

AG Architect Panel Flyout Menu

AG Architect Panel Flyout Menu

1. Detach All Selected AG Architect Effects

Changes the extension lines created by all AG Architect live effects in the selection into editable artwork, and removes the effect from the appearance(s). This is similar to using the native menu command Object > Expand Appearance, but is more flexible because it leaves the existing artwork (and other live effects which may be present) intact.

2. Remove All Selected AG Architect Effects

Removes any AG Architect live effects from the selection. (This can be done from the Appearance panel as well, but not if multiple AG Architect effects are present with different parameters. In that case, the Appearance panel will simply display “Mixed Appearances” and the ability to select the live effect and delete it will no longer be available.)

3. Save Settings...

Captures all of the current parameter settings on the panel to a file, which can be instantly recalled later (either in the current file session or a later one). A dialog will appear through which the file name may be specified.

4. Manage Settings...

Brings up a dialog through which existing settings files may be renamed or deleted:

AG Architect Manage Settings Dialog

AG Architect Manage Settings Dialog

A. Settings List: Shows all user-saved settings. One or more settings files can be selected for use with the buttons at the bottom of the dialog by clicking on them in the list, with Shift pressed to select contiguously or Command/Ctrl pressed to select discontiguously, as normal.

B. Rename Button: If a single settings file is selected, allows it to be renamed, through a separate dialog. If the Cancel button is used, the original names will be restored.

C. Delete Button: Removes the selected settings file(s). The files are not permanently deleted until the OK button is clicked.

5. Settings Files

User-defined settings will appear below the built-in [Default Settings] menu item. Choosing a settings menu item will load the panel with the settings it had when the file was saved; the AG Architect effects in any selected art will be updated to match.