Many tools will not cause AstuteBuddy to switch to the in-use mode until they are dragged, such as the Dynamic Shapes tool, MirrorMe tool, or Width Brush tool (note that all letter keypresses are only applicable when the mouse button is down). Other tools, such as the Gradient From Art tool or PathScribe tool, display click or drag information when hovered over certain items of interest.
AstuteBuddy Panel Tool-in-Use
The current state of the tool for which the displayed mouse operations or keypresses underneath are valid, such as “Dragging” or “Marqueeing.”
Each keypress identifier (or mouse operation, such as “Click” or “Shift-click”) is displayed in yellow (when using the dark theme UI) or blue (when using the light theme). Modifier and arrow keys are listed first, followed by letter keys, which, when using the default QWERTY keyboard layout, appear in alphabetical order.
Adjacent to each keypress identifier or mouse operation is a very brief description of what it does in the current context. These are meant as reminders only; for more in-depth information on the listed functions or preferences, the user manual should be consulted.
In the example above, the panel indicates that while dragging with the Extend Path tool, the E
key may be pressed to change the tool’s extension mode.